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Beagle Vomiting Problems

Vomiting is not uncommon with the Beagle breed. It may be acute or chronic and may present by itself or with other troubling symptoms such as diarrhea. 

Since there are so many reasons and types of vomiting problems, this section will cover just about any issue that your Beagle is having. In many cases, this can be treated at home.

If you happen to be reading this and your Beagle is not currently throwing up or experiencing any upset stomach issues, you may want to scan over the information since it can come on suddenly and quick action on your behalf may be needed.

In this section we will discuss:
  • Acute VS chronic vomiting
  • Various colors and textures; what this means
  • When this is accompanied by other symptoms such as blood, diarrhea and other
  • Treatment that you can give at home
  • Signs that you should bring your Beagle to the veterinarian
  • Emergency issues

Sudden, Acute Vomiting

This is if a Beagle - out of the blue with no warning signs - suddenly throws up. It usually passes quickly however during the time that the Beagle is ill, it can be rather intense.

There are several reasons why this may happen and owners should keep in mind that what appears to be an acute case of vomiting may turn into an ongoing issue if it occurs again within 72 hours. 

We will have a brief overview, followed by more details about how to treat vomiting at home and warning signs that it is time to take your Beagle to the vet's office. 
Why would a Beagle suddenly vomit? The 2 most common reasons are:

1) Ingestion of a food or non-food element that causes non-toxic irritation. Ahead we will discuss blockage that can occur if something is swallowed that partially or fully blocks the stomach and in turn causes vomiting. However, with an acute case that passed quickly without other symptoms, this usually due to the Beagle ingesting grass, weeds, other outside plants or a food (usually taken out of the trash) that irritates the stomach and causes the dog to quickly expel it.

If your Beagle just ate grass or something from the trash that he shouldn't have, there's a good chance that he'll vomit one or two times and then be fine. Despite dogs ingesting grass since they were domesticated, there is still debate about whether a dog throws up due to eating it or has an upset stomach which causes him to purposefully ingest it as a method of self-induced purging.

However, you'll want to keep in mind that if he was grazing outside there are quite a few toxic plants and weeds that can cause poisoning. If your Beagle is allowed outside unsupervised, it is highly recommended to 'dog-proof' the yard as much as possible. 

It should be noted that Beagles that have access to where wildlife lives are at risk for Leptospirosis. Sniffing or lapping at soil or puddles that contain bacteria present in the urine of many wild animals put a dog at high risk for this sometimes fatal disease. Beagles that have this type of exposure risk should receive the Leptospirosis vaccine which is a non-core vaccination, only given if the dog is considered high risk.

Some dogs do not do well when a new food is introduced or if the main meal is suddenly switched. If your Beagle vomits right after a new food has been chosen, this may be a matter of intolerance or allergy to a new ingredient or that the change was done too rapidly.

It's always best to switch to a new food over the course of several weeks, slowly adding more of the new mixed into the old.  

In any case of acute vomiting, you'll want to keep an eye out for other symptoms that may develop or continued stomach upset.

2) Eating or drinking water too fast. While bloat is always a concern in regard to eating too quickly, some Beagles will vomit - and be fine afterward - if they gulp down a large amount of water too fast or swallow a meal too swiftly. 

Water - If a Beagle has been outside running around and comes back in to drink a huge bowl of water at a fast rate, he may gulp down too much air and vomit the fluid right back up again. It's always a good idea to give super-thirsty dogs smaller amounts. For example, fill the bowl 1/3, when he's done fill it 1/3 again and then one more time.

Aside from a Beagle wanting a lot of water after exercise, at all other times fresh, cool water should be readily available so that the puppy or dog is always satiated.

Food- Food that is upchucked due to eating too fast will not be digested; chucks of food will be thrown up anywhere from immediately to 15 minutes afterward.

This is definitely a breed that should be eating from a slow-feeding stainless steel bowl or have a portion pacer placed into his bowl. Both options work to encourage a Beagle to ingest his food slow, preventing sudden regurgitation or in some cases, the very dangerous condition of bloat.

Be sure to keep food (both his and yours) out of reach. Keep in mind that dogs are quite clever when it comes to gaining access to cabinets and locking mechanisms should be placed on any cupboards that the dog is technically able to reach.

Other reasons - If a Beagle throws up once and then acts fine it could be anything from having swallowed a bug that irritated the throat to having chewed on a bit of grass that triggered the stomach to upchuck.  If it happens in the car, this often points to the Beagle having car sickness, which may develop after the dog passes a certain point of tolerance. 

What it Means if a Beagle has Vomiting and Diarrhea

When diarrhea occurs along with vomiting, this points to a more serious health issue. It is not just a quick stomach irritation since the digestive system and intestinal tract is now involved.

There are several reasons for this including:

1) Eating a Particular Food- Eating a newly introduced food or treat that is too rich for the stomach and intestines to handle. This can literally be anything from a bird that the Beagle found outside to an oil-laden slice of pot roast that an owner gave when caving in to that perfected look of begging. 

If this is the case, both symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea will pass rather quickly; usually within 2 to 12 hours. You can treat this at home to help a Beagle's stomach rest and if this continues or if other signs develop, you'll want to seek treatment (more ahead on both topics).

2) Parasites - Mostly due to ingesting contaminated soil or the feces of other dogs and sometimes from spoiled food, a Beagle can catch a parasite. Many cause diarrhea and some cause both diarrhea and vomiting. 

This includes: Coccidia, giardia, hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, tritrichomonas, cryptosporidium, and tapeworms. Bacteria that cause diarrhea include Clostridium, Campylobacter, E. coli, and Salmonella.

Signs to watch out for: Some worms will be able to be visibly seen in a dog's feces; though not always. You'll want to look for fever, dehydration, weakness, vomiting and/or diarrhea that does not clear up after 12 hours, abnormal behavior, signs of distress or any other clinical sign that seems out of the ordinary.

3) Viral causes - Even Beagles that have been vaccinated can get one of several viral infections including corona virus, parvovirus, and calicivirus. How does this happen? There are a couple of reasons. 

Puppies - There are windows of vulnerability in which the protective antibodies passed from the dam to the pup have weaned down and the full protection of the vaccine has not yet kicked in.

Adolescents and adults - If booster shots are delayed there may also be a time when the dog is not fully protected. 

Dogs of all ages - With some viral infections such as coronavirus, this is considered a non-core vaccine. Only dogs considered at risk will receive this and it is not included in the normal vaccination schedule

You'll want to monitor your Beagle for other signs including abnormally dark feces, fever, weakness, reluctance to drink or excess thirst and/or vomiting and/or diarrhea that is ongoing.

Vomiting Yellow Foam or Mucus

Usually when a dog throws up, it will be a mixture of both partially digested and undigested food. So what does it mean if only yellow liquid is expelled? 

It should be noted that yellow vs white liquid, foam or mucus are very different. When a Beagle vomits yellow foam, this is indicative of stomach bile. 

It will vary from watery to thick. It may be interlaced with foam or the foamy substance may form around the edges of the puddle.

Bile is a substance that works to neutralize acids in the stomach before it works its way to the dog's small intestines. In addition, it also works to counteract microbes that may be in any digested food.

Reasons for this include:

1) The Beagle's stomach is too empty. This is the most common reason that a Beagle will vomit up yellow stomach bile with or without foam and mucus. If so, it typically occurs with dogs that are only fed one meal per day. But may even apply to those that eat 2 or 3.

The easy at-home treatment is to change your Beagle's feeding schedule to include smaller, more frequent meals. 

Many dogs do best with two meals per day: morning and evening. Some owners tend to avoid this if a morning meal means a bowel movement afterward when the owner has either already left for the day or is preparing to do so. In this instance, you may want to feed your Beagle as soon as the day begins. This can leave time a bit later - 20 to 30 minutes - for a visit outside to the designated bathroom area before you need to leave the house.

In addition, filling a Kong Wobbler Treat Dispensing Toy with a mixture of all-natural smooth peanut butter and your Beagle's dry kibble can offer a great way to offer food over the course of time, preventing the stomach from becoming so empty that there is an excessive buildup of bile that may be vomited out.
2) Gastritis- While having an empty stomach is by far the most common reason; there is also a small chance that this is due to a more serious issue of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach). With gastritis, the vomiting of yellow foam will be ongoing - it may come and go however if it lasts for more than 1 week, the veterinarian will run tests for this disease.

Other signs of this include black tarry stools, a green color in the vomit (which indicated bile that is produced from the Beagle's gallbladder), flecks of blood and/or bits of undigested food mixed throughout the yellow foam.

The stomach can become chronically inflamed due to:

• Repetitive ingestion of inappropriate foods
• Infection (often a parasite)
• Metabolic/endocrine disease
• Adverse reaction to medication

The veterinarian will narrow down the causes by doing a complete physical examination, blood work, a chemical profile, abdominal X-rays, ultrasound and a fecal floatation.

Vomiting Clear or White Foam, Mucus or Liquid

White foam may be an issue of an empty stomach as with the yellow foam, however it can also point to one of several very serious and sometimes fatal issues.

The most common reasons for this include:

1) Blockage - When a dog swallows a non-food item of a chunk of food that is too large to safely pass, this can cause a partial or full blockage of the stomach and/or intestines. In some cases, the Beagle's first symptom may be vomiting of clear or white fluid - this can happen hours before any other clinical signs.  

This brings to mind a dog that swallowed a roll of medical tape - unbeknown to the owners- that was tucked into a lower bathroom cabinet. Hours afterward, he vomited a puddle of clear fluid and seemed fine afterward. It was not until about 7 hours later that he showed other signs of distress. 

Once taken to the vet, he needed emergency surgery to remove the tape, which had wound its way through the dog's intestines. It came very close to being a fatal situation.

Beagles have a high level of curiosity and are capable of mouthing and then swallowing all sorts of dangerous items. This includes Popsicle sticks, keys, rolls of floss, jewelry, shoe laces, pen caps, paper clips… If it can fit in his mouth, it can be swallowed. Keeping all of these sorts of object off the floor and from accessible places is prudent, not just for puppy care but for Beagles of all ages.

For this reason, if your Beagle vomits white or clear liquid with or without foam or mucus, you'll want to:

1- Search over the areas of the house that he had access to, looking for anything that was disturbed as a possible clue that he may have gotten into something that he should not have.

2- Closely watch him/her for any other developing signs or to see if he vomits a second time. Other red flags are: straining to eliminate a bowel movement, restlessness, acting panicked, whining, non-interest in eating or drinking, retreating, any signs of discomfort. In these cases, this warrants an immediate vet visit and this is considered an emergency.

2) Bloat - This exceedingly serious condition involves the stomach rotating or twisting in response to eating and exercising too closely together or eating too fast. However, if you see the warning signs of bloat, always seek help even if you do not believe that your Beagle did either of those two things.

Other symptoms include: Bloated abdomen, heavy panting, dry heaving, restlessness, pacing, not able to sit or lie comfortably, retreating, anxiousness and/or hunched over positioning.

This is considered an extreme emergency and a dog with bloat needs to be treated ASAP.

3) Other possible causes - There are many other possible causes that vary greatly. This includes kennel cough, diabetes, kidney disease, infection of the digestive tract, food allergies, hepatitis and even rabies.

Treatment - Since vomiting white foam can be a quick, acute case that is easily treated or it can point to a very serious issue that needs prompt professional intervention, it is important to keep a close eye on your Beagle. 

If treatment at home is not working or if there are any other signs, you'll want to bring your dog to be examined right away. *** Jump to at-home treatment

Vomiting with Blood

While some cases of vomiting can be treated from home with close supervision, if a Beagle is vomiting blood or if there are specks of blood in the vomit, this is a clear sign of an emergency. You should take your puppy or dog to the vet or closest animal hospital immediately.

Reason for blood in vomit can include:
  • Ingestion of a foreign body
  • Damage to the intestinal tract
  • Trauma
  • Serious bacterial or viral infection
  • Serious parasitic infection
  • Tumors of the stomach or esophagus
  • Ingestion of poison
  • Ulcers
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
Blood may be present in the Beagle's vomit, stools or both. There may or may not be diarrhea. The most important fact is that throwing up blood almost always points to a serious medical emergency that requires prompt medical intervention.

Vomiting Right After Eating

If your Beagle expels his food immediately after swallowing it, this is technically regurgitation, which means that the food is expelled before it begins to digest. 

Fortunately, the most common reason for this can easily be resolved at home. It typically happens if a dog eats too fast or too much.

You'll want to:

1) Serve smaller but more frequent meals. If you normally give your Beagle one meal per day, switch to two. Those who already eat twice may do better with 3 smaller feedings.
2) Use a slow-feeder bowl like DuraPet's Premium Slow Feed Stainless Steel Dog Bowl or if your Beagle already has a favorite dish that is not a slow-feeder, you can place a stainless steel portion pacer like the Omega Paw's Stainless Steel Portion Pacer Ball in the existing dish. 

One of these two methods should be done at any rate to help prevent bloat, a dangerous and often fatal condition. 

3) Beagles can tend to eat with too much enthusiasm if food is presented while the dog is in a state of excitement. Avoid giving your Beagle a meal when he is revved up. If he is very hyper and dinner is overdue, it can help to offer a small snack and work to calm him down before his full meal is offered.

Vomiting During or Immediately Following Exercise

This will typically happen if a Beagle is allowed to run around or is taken for a brisk walk right after eating, before the food has had a chance to digest.  

Canines have a much more sensitive gag reflex than humans, therefore allowing a good 20 minutes to pass before heading out for a walk or taking your dog out for a game of fetch can often prevent this sort of vomiting event from happening.

At-Home Treatment for Vomiting

Many cases will be acute instances in which a Beagle throws up and then simply needs some time for his stomach to rest. 

Here is what you can do from home, as long as there are no red flag symptoms that call for a visit to the vet:

1) Withhold the next meal unless your Beagle has appeared to bounce back to his normal self and is eager to eat. Be sure to offer plenty of cool, clean water.

2) Feed your Beagle light meals for up to 24 hours. This would be home cooked food of plain oatmeal, small banana slices and sweet potato. If he does well with that, you can also offer white breast chicken meat without skin and without any seasoning, mixed with plain sweet potato or plain white rice. These are easily digestible foods that can offer sustenance while allowing the stomach and digestive system to rest.

3) Prevent dehydration. If your Beagle has vomited a lot or has had both vomiting and diarrhea, you'll want to take steps to restore hydration. Mixing plain, unflavored Pedialyte with water (a 50/50 ratio) can help a restore a dog's electrolyte balance and help a weakened dog recover from loss of fluids.

4) Limit exercise and walks. While some dogs are able to shake off an episode of vomiting and bounce back to normal within just minutes, many will need a good 24 hours to fully recover.
5) Pepto Bismal - There is some debate over this treatment, even among veterinarians. Some say that it is best to allow a dog to vomit and have diarrhea so that the bacteria or other triggers can be flushed from the system. If OTC medicine is given to prevent this expulsion, it may prolong the condition. However, for others, giving a dog Pepto is normal protocol for minor episodes of acute vomiting and vomiting along with diarrhea. So, should you give a Beagle a dose of Pepto? 

The main ingredient in Pepto is bismuth subsalicylate, which coats the stomach and intestines to help combat nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion and upset stomach. It is considered to be safe for canines, when correct dosing instructions are followed. This can be part of an at-home treatment plan for acute cases.

It is best to call your veterinarian's office first; in most cases he/she will give you the 'okay'.

The correct dosing is based on the Beagle's weight. Unless otherwise directed by the vet, you will want to give your Beagle 1 teaspoons for each 5 lbs. (.45 kg) of body weight. It is given every 5 to 6 hours. If there is no improvement after 4 doses (20 to 24 hours), this is your signal to bring your beagle for an examination.

When to Take Your Beagle to the Veterinarian

Since the reasons for a Beagle vomiting can range from nibbling on a fallen bird to drinking too fast to parasites and even the dangerous condition of blockage, you will want to get immediate help if any of the following is present:
  • Violent, projectile vomiting - This is much more than a dog leaning down and throwing up. In this case, vomit will be flung from the mouth and often the nasal passages with extreme force.
  • Blood - Seen in the throw up and/or stools
  • Severe weakness
  • Intolerance for food (even with easy foods listed above)
  • Intolerance for water
  • Bloated stomach
  • Excessive drooling
  • Any signs of distress - pacing, restlessness, panicked behavior, retreat from the family
  • If vomiting episodes continue for more than 24 hours - Since reasons can range from a food allergy to parasites to bacterial infection, you'll want your Beagle to have veterinary care.
  • If you suspect any form of poisoning


Most Beagles can have an acute case of vomiting and be back to normal later the same day. However, throwing up can also be a sign of a more serious issue and sometimes one that is life-threatening. For this reason, owners are encouraged to stay with their puppy or dog after he has become sick. 

Close monitoring and care will tell you if his/her stomach is calming down or if the problem requires professional treatment.

It's best to not waver from your Beagle's normal diet that have proven to be tolerable and to 'dog proof' the house on a regular basis to prevent the swallowing of any non-food items.
When in doubt about any signs or symptoms, don't hesitate to call your vet's office for advice and guidance.  
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