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Fruits a Beagle can Eat


If you want to stay away from packaged treats and are looking more toward wholesome alternatives in regard to snacks for your Beagle, you're not alone. 

Owners are aware now, more than ever, about the negative effects that chemical preservatives, coloring and flavoring in some dog snacks have on our canine family members. From upset stomach to allergic reaction; and this is not to mention the often high calorie count.

One place to look is the produce section of your local supermarket. Why? Because some fruits are excellent choices to give as snacks to a Beagle or to mix into meals. They can offer low calorie alternatives and are packed with nutrients that can improve your Beagle's health and even stave off disease.

This section will cover which fruits a Beagle can eat and why they are such great choices. 
Beagle wearing yellow shirt
Beagle wearing yellow shirt
Photo courtesy of Madhu Singh Das

Why Fruit is Healthy for Dogs

Fruit is an excellent choice for several reasons:

#1 Fruit is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The term of antioxidants is well known but its importance is underestimated by many. 

Though the full explanation is quite technical, to keep it simple here is a brief summary: In the body (for both canines & humans), elements called 'free radicals' are formed. 

They are a byproduct of the many processes that are constantly happening in the body. Once formed, they steal electrons from healthy cells, which disturb their function, causing cellular damage. And this leads to countless health conditions and diseases, even cancer. 
Antioxidants 'mop up' the free radicals. This alone is a convincing reason to add fruit to your Beagle's diet. 
#2 Fruit is low in calories. Many are referred to as 'super foods' since they offer a lot for relatively few calories. While some fruits make great snacks or meal additions for Beagles of any age, those with senior Beagles will want to take particular note; since this breed can tend to become overweight as they age, swapping out some higher calorie ingredients for low calorie fruits can help in offering the same amount of food but with fewer overall calories. 

#3 Fruit is water-packed. Many fruits that are safe for Beagles to eat have high water content. Meeting daily water requirements is vital for good health, aiding in everything from proper muscle function to focused thinking. And water does not only need to be accessed from a dog's water bowl. Particularly for dogs that do not drink enough during the day, some fruit for snacks is a great way to stay hydrated. 

#4 The fiber in fruit prevents a rapid rise in blood sugar. Some owners shy away from giving their dog fruit, believing that since they are super sweet, this must mean that the high levels of natural sugar aren't good for dogs to ingest. 

However, it's important to note that most fruits safe for canine consumption are also packed with fiber. The fiber slows down the process of how the body absorbs sugar, which dampens the effect on blood glucose levels. While blood sugar is raised a bit, the effect is minimal. 

Let's Look at the Best Fruits for a Beagle

Blueberries - Beagles not only can eat blueberries, it's one of the best snacks you can give. The main reason that these are such a preferred choice is because they are packed with antioxidants. 

Antioxidants optimize a dog's (or human's) health by fighting free radicals in the body (elements that damage cellular structures). 

This can fight against the development of neurodegenerative disease and improve cardiovascular health, eye health and even may even decrease risk of cancer.
They also have good amounts of vitamin K, C, manganese and fiber. 

This is fantastic both for treats (freeze them first to make them easy to hand out) or added to meals for a super boost in nutrition. 

For rewards, such as those given when command training, 4 to 5 frozen blueberries will be well received. For snacks, a good serving size is 1/4 cup for puppies and 1/2 cup for adult Beagles. You may want to mix this with any of the other healthy snacks for Beagles (more ahead). Don't forget that this is a great food to mix into meals (just mix well so that they are not picked out!). Calories are relatively low, only 85 per cup. 
Raspberries - Right alongside the above mentioned blueberries are raspberries; they both contain anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that may protect against gastrointestinal cancer. Levels of manganese are equal as well, which plays a role in bone health. 

This snack is a higher in fiber (8 grams per cup vs 3.6) but a bit lower in both vitamin C and K.

Most Beagles love the taste of these bright red fruits and due to their size and texture, they are great for treats, particularly rewards. 
These as well can be frozen (a nice treat on a hot summer day or for easy handling), though this is a great choice to stir into kibble as well. A good serving size is 1/4 cup for puppies and 1/2 to 1 cup for adults. 

When mixing into dinner, you can do this by eye, however 1/4 to 1/2 cup is a typical amount, depending on if you are adding other ingredients, such as other fruit or veggies. 

This snack is very low in calories; only 65 per cup. 
Bananas - Beagles can eat banana and this is a great snack due to good levels of potassium, which plays a role muscle and nerve health as well as the proper functioning of enzymes.

There are also good levels of vitamin C, B6, fiber and magnesium. This fruit may decrease the risk of a dog developing bladder infections. It is also a great food if a Beagle is recovering from an illness that dehydrated him (instances of vomiting and/or diarrhea), as it helps restore water levels. 

Slice a banana up to give 1/2 of a banana to a Beagle puppy and up to a full banana for an adult Beagle. Slices can be frozen or mashed up into meals. Calories are 105 for a medium banana. 

* Note: if a dog has kidney issues or has been diagnosed with Addison's disease, bananas are on the 'do not eat' list. 
banana slices
banana slices
Cantaloupe - While not the first thing that pops into an owner's mind when trying to find good, healthy snacks for a Beagle, cantaloupe should not be overlooked. It is safe and healthy to eat thanks to good levels of vitamin A (good for both bones and teeth) and C. It also has potassium, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, niacin and folic acid. 

This as well is a snack high in antioxidants. Cubes or wedges can be given (just remove it from the rind). Puppies can gobble up a cup or so and adults a bit more. Since this is well received by most dogs, do measure this out and give it in moderation, as you don't want to overdo it with any particular fruit or treat. Calories are 54 per cup (cubed). 

Pears - Since fruits are a seasonal food, there may be certain times of the year when it's not easy to find other fruits that dogs can eat, and that is when pears can come in. These are safe for dogs to eat (but not the core). Do note that this refers to fresh, wholesome pears and not the type found packed into cans with sugary syrup.  

Pears are good for Beagles because they have good amounts of Vitamin C, potassium, copper, magnesium and fiber. Fiber helps to normalize a dog's digestive system, helping with both constipation and runny bowels. One pear peeled, cored and sliced is a good serving size for most adult Beagles. 

Calories are 102 in a medium pear. * Remember to never give the core of this or any other fruit to a Beagle. 
Watermelon - Do you worry that your Beagle is not drinking enough water? If so, you'll want to think about giving him some watermelon; the name says it all. 

This fruit, that is safe for dogs to eat, is 91% water. For this reason, it is super low in calories as well. 

It does have higher levels of sugar than some other fruits (6%); after all, this is why it tastes so sweet and most Beagles don't hesitate in gobbling it up. For this reason, as with most foods, moderate is the key. 
bowl of watermelon
bowl of watermelon
This snack has lot of vitamin C, which is an amazing vitamin good for tissue, bones, skin, and blood vessels, protects against heart disease and can even protect against some cancers. You'll also be giving your Beagle vitamin A, which is important for eye health and plays a role in the healthy development of both bones and teeth. 

Be sure to opt for the seedless variety (those tiny little white seeds are just fine for a dog to ingest) and don't give your Beagle a wedge that is still on the rind, as they will devour that as well; most dogs drool over this fruit the most out of all of them. 

This is a fruit that is best given as a snack, since it does not mix well into meals. As with most fruits for Beagles, freezing some can make it easier to hand out but also slow down the speed in which it's eaten. A good serving size is 1 cup for puppies and 2 cups for adults. Calories are 84 per cup, cubed. 

How to Incorporate Fruit Into a Beagle's Diet

1) Don't inadvertently encourage begging. You won't want your Beagle to think that any sort of begging behavior led to your decision to offer fruit as a treat. Canines are clever and begging behavior can quickly develop if they think any sort of barking, whining or jumping led to a tasty treat. 

For this reason, it's best to plan which fruits you will give to your Beagle and when those will be handed out. 

In most cases, this should be at 1 of 2 times: As reward after training (house breaking, command training, etc.) and at meal time (mixed into the main food). If your Beagle is fully trained in all aspects, we recommend offering reward to reinforce good behavior or proficiency of skills. 
2) For growing puppies that are finicky eaters or Beagles with sensitive stomachs, you will find that fruit (particularly blueberries and raspberries) mix very well into whole, white yogurt. Whole yogurt, though a dairy product, can help even out a dog's digestive system due to it being a probiotic food. 

Some veterinaries recommend offering yogurt to a dog after he has completed a course of antibiotics, as this is a time in which yeast infections can develop and yogurt can help prevent this; the fruit makes it more appetizing. 

If you do decide to give your Beagle both yogurt and fruit, do be sure to obtain whole, white yogurt as the sugar substitutes found in low-calorie varieties are toxic to canines. 
Beagle with blue eyes
Beagle with blue eyes
Skylar, 10 weeks old, Photo courtesy of Cecilia
Skylar, 10 weeks old
Photo courtesy of Cecilia
A great idea for special treats is to mix fruit into yogurt and then transfer that into ice cube trays, placing into the freezer until frozen. Pop one out and give it to your Beagle, he'll love you for it. 

3) Moderation is key. Nothing is healthy if it is eaten to excess and the same goes for fruit. Beagles need to have well-rounded diets. Meat, vegetables and fruit all play a role. 
Beagle named Barnaby
Beagle named Barnaby
Barnaby, 8 months old, Photo courtesy of Christine S.
Barnaby, 8 months old
Photo courtesy of Christine S.
4) Adding to meals. If you're looking to add more fruit to your Beagle's diet but don't see any room to incorporate it, just a sprinkle of berries mixed into kibble is the way to go. Calories will be minimal while the boost of vitamin and antioxidants will be beneficial. 

For overweight dogs, swapping out higher calorie food for some fruits and veggies can allow a Beagle to eat the same quantity of food while slowly losing weight. 

5) Go organic. The amount of pesticides on fruit can be shocking. While a good amount can be washed off, no method is 100% effective. Though when you do wash fruit, holding it under running water is best and do not use any sort of dish soap, as it can permeate the fruit. 

Fruits That Are Toxic to Dogs

Perhaps one of the reasons why some owners avoid giving fruit all together is because of the strong warnings that some fruits are extremely toxic to dogs. It's important to note that each fruit should be looked at as a standalone option. 
Just as one would look at meats; ham is much too salty for dogs (and can even cause pancreatitis if eaten in large amounts) however chicken is one of the best protein sources for canines. 

So, while giving your Beagle berries, melon and other fruits can be healthy additions to his diet, you will want to stay clear of the following fruits which are considered toxic:

Avocado - Many sources list this as a toxin to canines; however that is a bit misleading. It contains a compound called persin, which is toxic to other animals including birds and cattle. However, it is not poisonous to dogs. Despite this, it is listed as an unsafe food on many sites. Technically, your Beagle could ingest avocado and will be just fine. However, with this said, the shape and size of this fruit could present a choking hazard. Since there are many other good choices, we'd suggest avoiding avocado; however there is no reason to panic if your Beagle eats some. 

Currents - Current berries, which are a popular ingredient for jams and jellies are moderately to severely toxic. Ingestion of either the black or red berries (or products made with these) can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and for some dogs, severe acute renal failure. It should be noted, that with current berries (and grapes and raisins) reaction is not dose-dependent. A dog could eat 6 and be fine but then eat 2 the next week and have a severe reaction. 
Cherries - Though the flesh of a cherry is technically safe for canine consumption, due to its shape and size, it is easy for a dog to ingest the seed, which is highly toxic. For this reason, it is not recommended to allow a Beagle to eat any cherries. 

Grapes & Raisins - The reason why these are toxic fruits to dogs remains a mystery. Though they were officially declared to be toxic by the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in 2004, studies on these leave scientists baffled. 

The exact mechanism is unclear; however every study done does prove that these can cause acute kidney failure. As mentioned above regarding current berries, a reaction to these fruits is not dose-dependent. So if your Beagle ate some grapes or raisins in the past and was fine, this does not mean that he will be the next time. 
cute Beagle puppy, male, 10 months
cute Beagle puppy, male, 10 months
Elvis, 10 months old
Photo courtesy of Raunak Kapoor
Any seed, pit or core of any fruit - The dangers of eating fruit seeds are well known due to most of them containing a compound called amygdalin, which is a type of cyanide and sugar compound. When this is metabolized, it degrades into hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide is terribly toxic. It works quite rapidly, cutting off the ability for the body to carry oxygen. It can be fatal. 

You may wonder how it is that humans can accidentally swallow an apple seed and be fine. There are two reasons: 1) the amount of amygdalin in a few seeds is not enough to make a human sick and 2) seeds are protected by hard shells that often remain intact while they travel through the body, not allowing the amygdalin to be released.  
female beagle
female beagle
Skye, 14 months old
Photo courtesy of Savanah & Sharena
However dogs, of course, are smaller than humans, so a few seeds will affect them more and with sharp teeth, they are more likely to break a seed open while eating it. 

Note: You may be interested to know that dogs can safely eat pumpkin seeds. These are said to improve coat health and some even tout this as being a natural cure for worms (though we do not recommend its use for that).


Taking just a bit of time to add some fruit into your Beagle's diet is a great way to keep your puppy or dog healthy. There is no reason to go overboard; a handful of blueberries sprinkled into breakfast or some frozen banana slices for treats is great. 

Being in charge of your Beagle's diet is a huge responsibility and dogs not only trust us but also have no say in what they ingest. So the next time you're at the food store, be sure to stop by the fruit aisle. 
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